Monday, February 7, 2011

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going!

Hello Paranorms!

I know, it's been a full four months since I've touched base with you guys and it is a travesty!  I'm not sure how you'll forgive me, but I will do my level best to get better!
Huh? What's that you say? What have I been up to? Well, glad you asked!

I have some news that isn't quite ready to be shared yet! The moment I have the official word, I'll share it with you!  So happy about that. I can tell you that I'm finishing my MFA - Creative Writing with an emphasis on Screenwriting. Exciting, right? Love my classes!

But even in all that hoopla, I haven't forgotten about you guys! 

HBO has been busy as well! They're over there gearing up for the next season of TrueBlood! I am all a flutter.  We left them with Sookie and Bill's breakup, some faeries, and a few wolves in the mix.
Next up... the WITCHES! I personally love witches!  They are pretty awesome! 
When do we get to partake in this myriad of supernatural beings?
June! June 13, 2011 from what I understand!
Until then, here's the teaser from the folks over at HBO to wet your whistle!

In the words of Jim Carey's Mask - SPPPOOOKKKEYYY!!
Ha, that was fun!

The series that has captured my heart and attention most recently is the Chicagoland Vampire series! My Kindle is a-fire with all the juicyliciousness that is going on! It would be lovely, LUR-VER-LY I say, if these series could make its way onto the big screen! What's not to love about a Eng Lit Grad student turned Vampire??  I love this storyline! It's sexy and driven! Love it!  Once I'm done with the second book, I'll give you a big fat review of it!

And, just for your general awareness... I will be in attendance at this years RWA Conference in beautiful New York! Times Square to be exact! Can't wait. I'll be blogging from there, via iPad... I'm concerned about my technological aptitude, but I'm sure there is an iPad for dummies crash course that I can take to help me get over my ineptitude! 

Til next time, Vampire Kisses to you!

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